Good News!

Well, I just wanted to make a quick note: Wednesday I got put on hold for an interview at UCSF, and Thursday I got an interview at New York Med. Thank goodness for that!

So I'll give you all the details next week, and I have a great story about my Johns Hopkins secondary to tell you. I know you're all studying for finals, but stop by if you need a break, something to laugh at, or if your brain is just liquidating itself out your ears.

Happy Finals! (and good luck studying)


  1. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Awesome news! Congratulations!

  2. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Hi! Congrats on the interview invite! I completely agree with you about the attitude during this application process (I'm applying now too). Hang in there and don't lose hope because this process is as RANDOM as it can get! :)

  3. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Hi there, So i don't really know how this whole "blog" thing works, but I've really enjoyed following your whole application process. I saw a while back you wrote about how you volunteered in South Africa...what program did you go on? I am currently applying to a month long clinical rotation with a group called "Child Family Health International", just wondering if thats the same one you did. And in that case would you recommend an EMT course before going? Any help would be MUCH appreciated.
